How does a person convince another that their home based business is the best thing out there? How do you know who to believe when every online business is advertised as "the best thing since sliced bread"? Now, I have never been a big fan of sliced bread. (Maybe that has something to do with me having to carry a sandwich to school in my Micky Mouse lunch box for so many years...I'm not sure.) But the point I'm trying to make is this. The best thing out there for one person, may not be the best thing for the next person. But what makes a great home business? Is it the the guy with the website showing a mansion, fancy car and the sexy woman throwing hundred dollar bills in the air? Probably not, but how many of us have fallen for that one? Maybe it's the perfect home business with that "last chance to sign up" offer. The one that rushes you into joining his network marketing business before you have the chance to figure out the pyramid scam. Or could it be the "fast talker " on the phone, who talks you into believing his mlm business is worth the $999 start up fee? Maybe it's that determined guy that has you on his auto responder for 90 days of continuous emails, that has the #1 home based business. (That's what he's been telling you, so it must be true.) It's a shame that the majority of people seeking a home business opportunity first believe that you can get rich overnight. And there is no one more guilty of that , then me. It all looks good on paper, the website, the email, and sounds great over the phone. Until you've paid your start up cost, and "your sponsor" is off to "sponsor" his next, leaving you wondering what just happened to your new best friend. Most people have to first go through an experience or two, or three, like thist before realizing it's up to you to first check out the company, the founder, the compensation plan, the fine print and more. But...getting back to my origional question. How does a person convince another that their home based business is the best thing out there? You can't...or at least, you shouldn't. I believe the reputation of the company should speak for itself. After you do your research, review the compensation plan, considering the longevity potential, the industry you'll be invoved with, and speak with a representative of the should get your answer. To be honest with you, I don't even care to have a person on my team that has to be talked into joining. This person will more than likely never see the company potential, and will drop out in a month. Now you may be wondering what I'm trying to sell? The answer is those that I haven't connected with, have already quit reading, because they do not want to hear the truth. But if you have an interest in what has been working for that average person out there, I recommend you take a look at this opportunity.